The Sunday assistants include Greeters, Readers, Intercessors (who lead the Prayers of the People), Communion Assistants, and Collection Counters.

These ministries contribute to the smooth running of Sunday worship services. The scheduling is done on a rotation basis, taking into account the particular ministry of participants and their availability.


Greeters are responsible for making new people feel welcome and inviting visitors and newcomers to join in the time of coffee and conversation following the worship service.


Readers are responsible for the public reading of the Scripture lessons appointed for the day. St. Philip’s follows the lections set out in the Revised Common Lectionary.


Intercessors are responsible for leading the congregation in the public Prayers of the People for the community, the world, and the Church.

Communion Assistants

Communion Assistants help with the preparation of the Communion Table and perform various tasks during the liturgy on behalf of the people and the priest. They may also assist the priest during Communion by administering the wine or the bread.

Collection Counters

Collection Counters work in pairs to properly record and account for the Sunday collection in a responsible and secure manner.

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